Do you have an email newsletter that goes to your listening audience? Use the sample copy below to deliver a message about the importance of AM radio to your listeners.


As a loyal listener of (station moniker), you already know what makes AM radio great. Whether it is monitoring the incoming storm, tuning into the game, listening to your local church service, or catching the latest market update, these are just some of the ways our listeners depend on us.

And you may not know, AM radio stations make up the backbone of the emergency alert system – the tool used to keep the public safe in times of crisis.

There are more than 80 million Americans each month who depend on AM radio stations across the country. Yet despite this, some automobile manufacturers have taken AM radio out of their vehicles, and some have even signaled they may remove AM from future models of all their vehicles.

We’re asking for your help.

If you could take just two minutes to send a message to your members of Congress about why AM radio is important to keep in new vehicles, it would make an incredible difference.

We’ve made it easy. When you click here, you will be taken to a site with a pre-populated email (feel free to personalize this as you like). You may add your mailing address, and this email will be sent to your representatives and senators on Capitol Hill. You also may take action by visiting and complete the online survey.

We want to keep AM radio listeners informed whenever possible. It is important to send a message today to Congress asking them to advocate for AM radio with automakers.

Your help can make all the difference.

With gratitude,

(station representative)