Stations and networks may personalize these scripts to allow local voice talent to be affiliated with the Why I Listen campaign. Scripts also may be downloaded in a single PDF file; click here.


Why I Listen :30
Version 1

What’s your favorite talk show? Where do you hear music that transports you to another time? In an emergency, where do you turn for the most up-to-date information? Eighty million Americans depend on AM radio each month. It’s the backbone of the emergency alert system, keeping the public safe in dangerous times.

Why do you listen? Go to Why I Listen dot com, tell us why you listen, and you will have a chance to win 500 dollars. Visit Why I Listen dot com today.


Why I Listen :30
Version 2

High school, college, and professional sports. Your favorite talk show. The weather. The markets. Traffic. Local news and news from around the world. These are just a few of the reasons 80 million Americans depend on AM radio each month. And in an emergency, listeners turn to AM radio to keep safe in times of danger.

Why do you listen? Go to Why I Listen dot com, tell us why you listen, and you will have a chance to win 500 dollars. Visit Why I Listen dot com today.


Why I Listen :30
Version 3

Eighty million Americans depend on AM radio each month — and you are one of those listeners! Why do you listen? Sports, music, your favorite talk show, local news, and community activities . . . plus, in an emergency, listeners turn to AM radio to keep safe in times of danger.

Why do you listen? Go to Why I Listen dot com, tell us why you listen, and you will have a chance to win 500 dollars. Visit Why I Listen dot com today.


Why I Listen :30
Version 4

Listeners know they can depend on ___________ (station name/network affiliate) for the latest news, weather, markets, community events, and more. AM radio is the backbone of America, with 80 million people tuning in each month to listen. And, in an emergency, radio is there to help keep you safe in dangerous situations.

Why do you listen? Go to Why I Listen dot com, tell us why you listen, and you will have a chance to win 500 dollars. Visit Why I Listen dot com today.


Why I Listen :30
Version 5

Why do you listen to ___________ (station name/network affiliate)?  Whether you’re tuning in for the weather, news, traffic, markets, sports, community events, talk shows, or another reason, ___________ (station name/network affiliate) is here for you! You’re one of 80 million people across the nation who listen to AM radio each month. And, in an emergency, ___________ (station name/network affiliate) is there to help keep you safe in dangerous situations.

Why do you listen? Go to Why I Listen dot com, tell us why you listen, and you will have a chance to win 500 dollars. Visit Why I Listen dot com today.




Why I Listen :15
Version 1  

In an emergency, where do you turn for the most up-to-date information? Eighty million Americans depend on AM radio each month. It’s the backbone of the emergency alert system, keeping the public safe in dangerous times.

Why do you listen? Go to Why I Listen dot com, tell us why you listen, and you will have a chance to win 500 dollars. Visit Why I Listen dot com today.


Why I Listen :15
Version 2

The latest news, sports, weather information, community insights, and more. Eighty million Americans depend on AM radio each month, so you’re in great company!

Why do you listen? Go to Why I Listen dot com, tell us why you listen, and you will have a chance to win 500 dollars. Visit Why I Listen dot com today.


Why I Listen :15
Version 3

Why do you listen to ___________ (station name/network affiliate)?  Whether you’re tuning in for the weather, news, traffic, markets, sports, community events, talk shows, or another reason, ___________ (station name/network affiliate) is here for you!

Why do you listen? Go to Why I Listen dot com, tell us why you listen, and you will have a chance to win 500 dollars. Visit Why I Listen dot com today.