Your Support Helps Advance Farm Broadcasting and Agriculture!
The NAFB Foundation exists to provide development opportunities for those exploring the farm broadcasting profession and for current professions who are looking to expand their communications skills. Donating to the NAFB Foundation is investing in the future of farm broadcasting and agriculture. Since its inception in 1977, NAFB Foundation has awarded more than $600,000 in scholarships to more than 150 students. Scholarship winners are recognized each year at the NAFB Convention in November. In addition, NAFB Foundation has provided nearly $300,000 in internship grants to NAFB member stations and networks and has contributed to educational seminars and travel to events that help with advancing broadcast skills.
The NAFB Foundation is a nonprofit charitable and educational arm of NAFB, focused on ensuring a strong future for the farm broadcasting profession and industry. To contribute, please contact Mary Reder at the NAFB office at 816-431-4032, or email