April President's Update
Max Armstrong, 2017 NAFB President
We are rapidly approaching Washington Watch, and I am very excited about it, quite frankly. Assuming our new Agriculture Secretary is confirmed by then, he will be with us. We have been assured White House Ag Advisor Ray Starling will be joining us as well. When you add in the lawmakers, their staff members, the Federal Communications Commission visit and other opportunities, it totals up to a great, jam-packed three days.
The room availability at our hotel is likely very tight by now, but please check with the NAFB Office if you are thinking, perhaps you can attend. Even if you had to stay at another hotel in town, I think you would find the content and contacts from Washington Watch would be well worth it.
And don't forget we have a member business meeting during Washington Watch too, Monday afternoon, May 1. Oh, and I bet we can find some time for fellowship as well. We look forward to seeing those of you who will be attending!