Chase Travels to Chile

Spencer Chase, managing editor for Agri-Pulse Communications, recently traveled to Chile to cover the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) trade mission.

“Agri-Pulse has been trying to find a way for an employee to go along on one of these trips,” Chase said. “I was the only reporter on this trip, and that was a unique opportunity.”

USDA trade missions help U.S. exporters build relationships with potential customers, understand the market, and hopefully generate business. Alexis Taylor, USDA under secretary for trade and foreign agricultural affairs, led the mission.

“I had the chance to speak with Secretary Taylor several times, and I got to hear about her conversations with officials,” Taylor said. “Her agenda included several government meetings, including with the Chilean Environmental Ministry.”

The trip included stopping by a trade show and going to local grocery stores.

“It was interesting to see the American product on display, compared to how it would be advertised in the U.S.,” Chase said. “It was also good to see how U.S. agriculture plays a role in product perception in different countries.”

Chase travelled out of the country previously to cover other stories for Agri-Pulse Communications; he has been to China, Panama, and Germany.

“Going overseas gives agricultural communicators a good opportunity to see what consumers in other countries are thinking,” Chase added. “It also helps us understand what the American producer can capitalize on and how to generate business for exporters.”

Chase feels it is important for broadcasters to understand international trade.