Wenger, Toews and Bauer
KFRM (Clay Center, KS) covers 149 counties in three states. “With that coverage, it is difficult to sound and be local to everyone,” Kyle Bauer said. “The KFRM Wheat Harvest Tour gives us a chance to be in every corner of our listening area. The tour is expensive to execute, but it is well sponsored and has a waiting list of advertisers.” Kyle and Duane Toews trade off week-to-week while Jim Wenger and Rod Keen carry the load at the studio.
For nearly 20 years, KFRM personnel have followed the wheat harvest from the southern portion of the listening area west of Oklahoma City to the northwest corner of Kansas. Generally this process takes four weeks. “About three years ago, we changed from having summer interns do this arduous trek to full-time personnel,” Kyle explained. The staff trades off week-to-week, giving 8 to 9 reports per day, Monday through Friday. They interview farmers, elevator operators, landlords, extension agents, merchandisers, and truck drivers. They do this whether weather is good or bad and whether crops are good or bad. Kyle said, “The harvest is what it is. Traveling over 6,000 miles over the four weeks, we are constantly on the lookout for a fresh prospective and news for that area.”