Adams Retiring from a Dedicated Career

Most would agree doing anything for 48 years requires a high level of dedication. Dedication is the definition of Mike Adams, recently retired national farm broadcaster and previous host of Adams on Agriculture (now Agriculture of America with Mike Pearson).

Adams said he always knew he wanted to work in radio broadcasting. He also worked on a grain and livestock farm growing up, but he had no idea how much that would impact his future.

“Growing up, radio to me meant ball games and music. I had no idea farm broadcasting was a thing,” Adams said.

As he thought growing up, Adams did work as a DJ and a sports announcer. However, when the local station he worked at started expanding the agriculture programming, he did not hesitate at the opportunity to become an assistant in the farm department there.

“It just exploded after I started working in the agriculture department. Doors started opening for more farm broadcasting opportunities, and I became the farm director at that local station where I worked,” Adams said.

After getting more ingrained in farm broadcasting, he joined NAFB in 1978. Adams said his NAFB membership opened even more doors and provided new connections around the country.

“It was fascinating to hear my fellow broadcasters’ stories and watch them work, and I learned a lot from them,” Adams said. “Watching them allowed me to grow and develop my own style.”

With those opportunities, he became a host of the nationally syndicated program, AgriTalk. After 17 years with AgriTalk, he started Adams on Agriculture.

“The goal of the new show was to inform farmers and ranchers of issues impacting them and their operations but also to educate our rural, non-farm listeners about why the same issues affect them,” Adams said.

Adams recently decided to retire. In doing so he has handed over the reins. He said Mike Pearson, host of the newly named Agriculture of America, is already doing a great job.

Although many start traveling after retirement, he said he plans to stay put for a while after a long career full
of travel.

“I really enjoyed traveling and meeting so many people I never thought I would, but it will be nice to be home a little now,” Adams said.