Barnett Finding Niche in Farm Broadcasting

The path to becoming a farm broadcaster looks different for everyone. Some are passionate about communications and then learn the agriculture side. Some are passionate about agriculture and learn the communications side. Others fall somewhere in between.

Brent Barnett, anchor/reporter for Brownfield Ag News currently based in Pella, Iowa, first found his passion for radio broadcasting, then found his niche in farm broadcasting.

Barnett grew up in Burlington Junction, Missouri, where he gained an agricultural background. In college and immediately after, he said his goal was to be a sports broadcaster. He left his first job in the sports sector to work for an agriculture radio network and hasn’t looked back.

“Everyone in the farm broadcasting world is on the same page. We’re all working together to share what matters most with farmers,” Barnett said.

When reflecting on what motivates him in his day-to-day role, Barnett said he feels like he is making a difference. He feels there is a strong mission and meaning to what he, and other farm broadcasters, do.

“We’re essential; people rely on us,” Barnett said.

Though Barnett has worked in farm broadcasting for eight years, his first NAFB event was the 2021 Annual Convention in Kansas City. He noted that he’s looking forward to future NAFB events because of the opportunity to meet and network with the tight-knit group of farm broadcasters.

“The convention provided good conversations, great friends, and good networking,” Barnett said.

The path to farm broadcasting isn’t alike for any two individuals although they share a common mission.