Iowa Cattleman’s Association president
“What a tremendous honor it was for me to receive the 2014 Farm Broadcaster of the Year Award,” Ken Anderson (Brownfield Network, Lincoln, NE) said after the November convention in Kansas City. “I attended my first NAFB Convention in 1977, at the ripe old age of 22, and have watched many great farm broadcasters receive this prestigious award over the years.”
“To think that my name has been added to that list is rather mind-boggling.” Ken added, “Receiving this award is also very humbling. Humbling because I know there are so many farm broadcasters out there who are just as deserving of this award as I am—farm broadcasters who work very hard to serve their listeners. I salute all of you for the great job you do.” He continued, “Another reason that receiving this award is such a big thrill, at this point in my career, is that I took the long way around to get here.”
Ken’s first stint as a farm broadcaster…lasted 12 years, then he ventured off into the world of marketing. “I enjoyed the marketing side,” he said, “but always in the back of my mind, I was thinking maybe someday I’d like another chance to be a farm broadcaster.” He wasn’t sure that it would ever happen, but in 2008, “opportunity knocked with Brownfield.” Ken said, “It’s been wonderful. A great company, great co-workers, a great boss and the freedom to do what I truly love—to find news, write news and report news—and work for and with the greatest people on earth, farmers and ranchers. I am so blessed to be able to do what I do.” Ken concluded, “How many jobs are there where you can truly say that you are helping people, making a difference in their lives, on a daily basis? I believe that we, as farm broadcasters, are doing just that.”
Will farm broadcasting continue to be relevant? To that question, Ken said, “I have to smile because we had that same concern 35 years ago. In fact, with television in its infancy, farm radio broadcasters were asking themselves that same question 70 years ago—and we’re still here, more relevant than ever! We’ve done a great job of adapting over the years, expanding our product across various digital platforms. We’re reaching a much broader audience than ever before, including policymakers and consumers. It gives us a great opportunity to help the nonfarming public gain a better understanding of agriculture.”
With gratitude…“I want to thank NAFB and the Awards Committee for presenting me with this award,” Ken said. “NAFB is such a great organization with so many talented people and great leaders. Receiving this award from this organization is very special. I also give thanks to God, because I believe that whatever talents and abilities I have are a gift from God. I try to use those gifts in a way that pleases Him. Thanks for listening and God bless.”