Oct, 2015. Photo submitted
as part of the 2015 NAFB
Research Study.
Farming is a 24/7 job. Working from sunup to sundown, farmers rely on multiple forms of communications to keep them informed, and up-to-date with the industry. Farm broadcasting is one of the multiple ways farmers, and ranchers stay connected. Radio continues to be widely used by farmers in all age ranges, as they seek out information that matters to their operation.
Research conducted by NAFB during 2015, concludes 76 percent of farmers listen to farm radio – all year long. Radio is not just a spring planting, fall harvest activity. It’s part of their daily news feed, keeping farmers and ranchers connected to commodity markets, weather, domestic and international ag news, local community news and more.
Click here for Executive Summary of the 2015 NAFB Millennium Research.