Harding Campbell Rejoins NAFB

After three years of developing her communication skills outside of agriculture media, Jesse Harding Campbell is back — except this time she’s an Allied Industry Council Member. Campbell joined the Agri-Pulse team as an executive assistant in January.

“I recently described my job transition to a friend that ‘I’m back with my people,’” Campbell explained. “Returning to agriculture media and being an NAFB member is like coming back home after an extended trip. It just feels right.”

Campbell is working directly with Sara Wyant, founder and editor of Agri-Pulse. This includes the day-to-day work along with event planning, writing, promotion, and marketing. Currently, she is focused on promotion and speaker logistics for the upcoming Agri-Pulse Ag & Food Policy Summit in March.

“I was thrilled to accept the position and join the Agri-Pulse team! As a longtime admirer of Agri-Pulse and the reporting they provide on agriculture and natural resource policies, I am honored to support our staff and the content they produce,” said Campbell.

Campbell is returning to agriculture communications, having served as director of communications with a business-focused law firm based in Omaha, Nebraska. In conjunction with her marketing and event-planning duties, she provided strong agricultural and rural knowledge to support the firm’s extensive client base of producers and agribusinesses.

Campbell grew up on a hobby farm near Marine, Illinois, and studied agricultural and environmental communications at the University of Illinois. While in college, Campbell was an NAFB Foundation internship grant recipient and completed a farm broadcasting internship at WYXY under Gale Cunningham. She also served as assistant farm director at the Wisconsin Farm Report and KRVN/Rural Radio Network in Nebraska.

During her tenure at KRVN, she reported on and traveled with Governor Pete Ricketts on two Nebraska international trade missions to Europe (Italy, Belgium, and Denmark) and China (with stops in Hong Kong and Macau). Campbell also was the recipient of the 2015 NAFB Horizon Award.

As many Broadcast Council Members know, a lot has changed for Campbell since leaving farm broadcasting in 2017. She married Casey Campbell in 2018. They had a son, Harris, in November 2019. In 2020, Casey and Jesse started an outdoor lifestyle parenting blog, Parenthood Outdoors.