National Vice President Election Profile: Ken Rahjes

Ken Rahjes
(308) 320-0700

Years of Experience:  14

Board Experience:  West Region Vice-President 2009-2011

Washington Watch Co-Chair 2008

Bio:  I believe our organization is at another crossroads, technology is changing at a rapid pace and we need to continue to have a strong organization that delivers the message that it DOES matter where you get your information from.  It seems that anyone with a smartphone thinks they are just like us, but we know, no one makes the connection with today’s food, feed, fiber and fuel producers like us, members of the National Association of Farm Broadcasting.

I am ready to be part of the leadership team of NAFB; I began my career in radio at the age of 15 and will bring my passion and enthusiasm to the position every day. I have worked in small and medium markets, both network and nationally syndicated and now own my own growing multi-media network.

We know traditional broadcast media has a strong track record of reaching our listeners and viewers, and as technology continues to develop we also need to embrace and utilize these avenues to remain the first choice in delivering news, markets and other information.

I look forward to working with Broadcast, Management and Sales and Allied Industry councils, as well as the student members. 

Smartphones can be useful tools but they should not take the place of a member of the National Association of Farm Broadcasting. Let’s work together and continue to be the leader in delivering agricultural information.