Carey Martin
Voice of Louisiana Agriculture Radio Network
(225) 402-1251
Years of Experience: 11
Board Experience*:
1993: Chairman of National Association of Farm Broadcasting (NAFB) New Member Committee
1995: first winner of the NAFB Horizon Award
1995 & 1996: helped operate the NAFB News Service from Oklahoma City
1996: Chairman of NAFB Professional Improvement Committee
1998: NAFB Broadcast Service Center Coordinator
1999: Chairman of NAFB News Service Committee (added MP3 downloads to the service)
1997 & 1998: NAFB Parliamentarian
2019: member of NAFB Marketing & Promotion Committee
*These dates are to the best of my recollection. They may be a year or so off.
Bio: Agriculture is all I have ever known. I grew up on a dairy and beef cattle farm in northwest Louisiana and started driving a tractor when I was 8 years old. I was very involved in 4-H livestock judging and served as a Louisiana State FFA Officer; both of these activities prepared me for a career in farm broadcasting.
I worked in radio throughout college at Louisiana State University, but my first post-college farm broadcasting job was at KVOO AM/FM in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I joined the NAFB while in Tulsa and remained active for 10 years. My career took me to the Oklahoma Agrinet in Oklahoma City, WOW AM/FM in Omaha, Nebraska, and the Louisiana Farm Bureau Radio Network in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
In 2003, I left the farm broadcasting industry and became a field representative for the Louisiana Farm Bureau Federation. Twelve years passed, then farm broadcasting called me back into the industry. I joined Don Molino on the Voice of Louisiana Agriculture Radio Network, where I have been since 2015.
Farm broadcasting has been so good to me. It has provided me with life-long friends and has given a sense of purpose to my life. I recently reached my 50th birthday and have never served in a volunteer leadership position with the NAFB. I realize that it is way past time for me to step up and give back to the organization and the industry that has given me so much.