Commitment to Serve





The mission of the National Association of Farm Broadcasting (NAFB) is to lead, promote, and support growth in agricultural and rural broadcasting for the benefit of our members, audience, and industry. Our purpose is to deliver value to members in support of a professional and profitable agricultural and rural lifestyle broadcasting industry.

As a means of fulfilling the mission of NAFB, when acting as a member of the Board of Directors, I will:

  • Be an advocate for farm broadcasting and agribusiness.
  • Maintain the highest level of personal conduct and ethics. I will not engage in conduct that interferes with operations, discredits the association or is offensive to members, employees, or fellow directors.
  • Comply with the intent and spirit of all laws and regulations related to the association’s activities.
  • Adhere to all association bylaws, policies and procedures.
  • Respect the rights and views of members, fellow board members and employees.
  • Maintain the confidentiality of information obtained as a board member.
  • Avoid conflicts between personal interests and the interests of NAFB, or even the appearance of a conflict of interest.

Members of the Board of Directors are elected because of their interest and commitment to the mission and purpose of NAFB.  Your peers have placed their confidence in you.  Each board member is recognized for their business and professional experience, involvement in farm broadcasting, commitment in helping shape policy and ensuring NAFB member's competitiveness.


The Board of Directors is responsible for setting the course and ensuring the financial growth of the NAFB. Each Board member is expected to make a meaningful contribution toward these responsibilities.

NAFB recognizes that the strength and interests of individual board members vary and that the nature of individual contributions will differ. However, all board members must be members in good standing and are expected to demonstrate their leadership to support and promote the mission and programs of NAFB. In addition, board members are expected to:

1. Stay Informed

  • Stay current through NAFB's communications and updates provided to the board.
  • Review NAFB's financials, meeting minutes and correspondence from other board members and staff.
  • Understand NAFB Board Member Duties.
  • Correspond with NAFB members by phone and email


2.  Participate

  • Attend board meetings and participate in conference calls during the course of the year.
  • Attend NAFB's major events during the year, including Washington Watch and the Annual Meeting
  • Attend other NAFB sponsored events when practical
  • Prepare regular correspondence for distribution to NAFB membership
  • Assist in identifying potential leadership for NAFB


3. Be an Ambassador for NAFB

  • Regularly communicate with members in your region and council.
  • Represent NAFB in your community and region.
  • Relay suggestions and ideas to the Executive Committee and Executive Director


4. Actively Support Revenue Growth

  • Pay dues according to the schedule outlined in the NAFB Policies.
  • Support NAFB membership growth by recruiting new members.
  • Help retain members where you have contacts.
  • Consider sponsorship of NAFB events and opportunities.
  • Consider a personal contribution or solicit contributions from others for the NAFB Foundation.


Recognizing the important responsibility I am undertaking in serving as a member of the NAFB Board of Directors, I hereby pledge to carry out the duties and obligations inherent in my role as a board member with trustworthiness and diligence.