Historian Reports

Where Are They Now? - Dave Russell

Former Ohio farm broadcaster Dave Russell visited with NAFB Historian Mike Adams about his career and what he’s doing now...

Where Are They Now? - Joe Cornely

Former Ohio farm broadcaster and Ohio Farm Bureau staffer Joe Cornely visited with NAFB Historian Mike Adams about his career in and what he’s doing now...

Where Are They Now? - Tom Beavers

Former KMA Radio (Shenandoah, Iowa) farm broadcaster Tom Beavers visited with NAFB Historian Mike Adams about his career in and out of broadcast and how he and his wife, Pat, are keeping up with grandkids and traveling in retirement...

Where Are They Now? - Mike Murphy

Former Minnesota farm broadcaster Mike Murphy visited with NAFB Historian Mike Adams about his radio career and how he’s continuing to enjoy life in retirement...

Where Are They Now? - Rod Zamarron

Former Michigan and Ohio farm broadcaster Rod Zamarron visited with NAFB Historian Mike Adams about his radio career and what he’s been up to since leaving the airwaves...



Where Are They Now? - Pat Driscoll

Former Michigan farm broadcaster Patrick Driscoll visited with NAFB Historian Mike Adams about his radio career and what he’s been up to since leaving the airwaves...



Where Are They Now? - Marla Behrends

Former farm broadcaster and dairy industry spokesperson Marla Behrends visited with NAFB Historian Mike Adams about her radio career and what she’s been up to since leaving the airwaves.



Where Are They Now? - Bonnie McCarvel

Former farm broadcaster Bonnie McCarvel, now Executive Director for Mid America CropLife Association, visited with NAFB Historian Mike Adams about her radio career and what she’s been up to since leaving the airwaves...



Where Are They Now? - Kevin Morse

Former WOWO Radio farm broadcaster Kevin Morse visited with NAFB Historian Mike Adams about his interesting radio and NAFB career plus his current work in Indiana.

Where Are They Now? - Sherry Newell

Former farm broadcaster and dairy industry representative Sherry Newell visited with NAFB Historian Mike Adams about her career and what she’s been doing since retiring...
