Farm broadcasting has been a constant in the daily lives of farmers and ranchers for more than 75 years and continues to prove its worth in delivering live, local and current agricultural news today. Recent research conducted by the National Association of Farm Broadcasting (NAFB), found 88 percent of farmers in the U.S. listen to farm broadcasting three or more days per week. Farm radio continues to connect with the agricultural community daily, providing key knowledge on the day’s biggest ag news. 

A series of 16 wildfires that initially began October 8, have consumed large areas of California’s wine growing regions in Yuba, Sonoma, Napa, Mendocino, Butte and Lake counties, reports Brian German (Multi-Media Journalist, AgNet Media, Inc., Fresno, CA). More than 210,000 acres have burned in total, destroying approximately 8,400 structures as of October 25, Brian said.

Nebraska radio station KRVN 880 and the Rural Radio Network will add a news bureau and production studio at Nebraska Innovation Campus (NIC) this fall. NIC Executive Director Dan Duncan said, "KRVN's radio network across the state will enable NIC to connect to everyone in Nebraska and share our stories" KRVN is the 50,000-watt flagship of a nine-station network spanning Nebraska with coverage into Iowa, South Dakota, Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming.

Davis Michaelsen (Farm Journal Broadcasting, Cedar Falls, IA) said, “I didn’t go to journalism or broadcasting school, but from an early age, I learned from my dad, who was a seasoned writer and farm broadcaster.”

Ag broadcaster Phyllis Parks, (WITY radio 980 AM and 99.5 FM in Danville, IL) is a Certified Public Accountant by profession, and she has a CPA firm, Daughhetee & Parks Management Consulting, PC, in Danville, IL. One of her clients is David Brown, owner of WITY radio.
