Farm Radio is an important part of the U.S. agriculture industry. Research conducted by Millennium Research on behalf of NAFB continues to showcase the reach and frequency farmers, and ranchers engage with farm broadcasting. Research focused solely on time spent with farm broadcasting; listening and watching farm news, weather, markets and ag information. Average daily listenership is 65 minutes from Wave 2, conducted this during planting season.

I want you to stop for just a moment and remember what it was like to be in high school or a recent college graduate. Who did you look up to? Who was the one person that took the time to sit down with you, talk about their career choice and help send you on the path you are on today?

Now that we are all a bit older, do we take the time to be that? During the past couple of weeks, we have all been on the road at different farm shows and state fairs. From the pictures shared on social media, many of us are taking that moment to reach out and talk to the future broadcasters.  


We are just 8 weeks away from the 72nd NAFB Convention, Growing our Future To Harvest Our Success! We have several great speakers and sessions this year. I'm pleased to announce Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Commissioner Ajit Pai will be speaking Friday, November 13 from 11-Noon.

Farm Radio continues to play an important role in connecting the ag producers and the industry together. Radio is mobile; its on and farmers and ranchers are listening. Recent research conducted by the NAFB studied media habits of farmers and ranchers with $100,000 plus Gross Farm Income.

82 percent of all farmers and ranchers are listening to radio multiple days per week.

Please help welcome the following new members to NAFB. Student membership continues to grow, as NAFB focuses on the future. 
