Growing up on a ranch in Nebraska I have a passion for agriculture and the role it plays...

Kelly Allen and his wife Susan own the Ag Information Network of the West, providing the region...

I am the VP/Sales & Marketing for the Louisiana Farm Bureau Radio Network. My past...

Janet Adkison, NAFB Past President, and Washington Bureau Chief for RFD-TV and Rural Radio, spoke September 21 to the Ag Seniors luncheon meeting held at the national headquarters of the American Farm Bureau Federation in Washington, DC.

​Producers are expecting the largest cotton crop since 2010 this year if weather continues to cooperate, reports Tony St. James (All Ag Network, KDDD and KFLP, Floydada, TX). The Texas High Plains is the largest cotton growing region in the United States, and Lubbock is the hub of activity. Cotton farmers are expected to start defoliating in early October, which begins the harvest process. 
