Steve Bridge has one hope for farmers who listen to his noon show; that the information he shares on the radio helps growers be more productive. His hour-long broadcast, which airs Monday-Friday, regularly features weather, grain and livestock markets, the agriculture news of the day, and because of the proximity to the Illinois State Capitol, Bridge also covers politics. “On my show I run the gamut in agriculture news,” says the WFMB-AM/FM radio reporter in Springfield, Ill. “But the focus of the show is producer friendly and producer focused,” Bridge says.

Pat Morrow, AIC Representative

All types of organizations – from scouting to churches to credit card companies – need members to be successful. Being a member means the individual is part of an organization, a group of people with a common interest who work together to achieve a common goal.

Janet Adkison, 2014 NAFB President

With summer upon us, I know broadcasters across the country are keeping busy with field days, fairs, festivals and farming challenges. I know busy schedules also ring true for AIC members. We look forward to seeing you as our paths cross at the various farm shows and events ahead.

The NAFB Planner is the newest tool for anyone researching and analyzing broadcast opportunities targeting farm and rural audiences. NAFB invested in the development of a web-based, strategic media planning resource to help kick-start the initial planning stage of any media outreach by providing a visible map of NAFB member stations and networks within a defined targeted geography.

The NAFB Executive Board is heading west this summer to explore the rich and diverse California agriculture industry.
