It’s hard to believe it’s the end of February, although I think most of us are ready for 80 degrees and corn planting. It’s only a couple of weeks until we “Spring Forward.” Yea!
This year, the theme for the NAFB Board and our association is just that -- Moving Forward Together. The first 2021 board meeting was held earlier this month, and WOW…what a great group. Passionate, aggressive, professional, in tune, and active in the NAFB process. In each case, we are blessed to have the representatives you have selected as your board members.
Following the theme, the board was very active, open, transparent, and communicative. All the Q1 discussions circled around how we can Move Forward Together and improve your association to YOUR benefit. From broadcast, to allied industry, and management sales, it was so apparent they truly have at heart . . . YOU and your station, network, business, and the valuable work you ALL do every day.
The association will be serving up fresh listenership research this year, plus the board will be starting the process of a five-year strategic plan for your association.
Also, as your President, I serve on the NAFB Foundation Board. WOW, AGAIN. What an impressive group of individuals that has the NAFB mission at heart and -- without exception -- understands the challenges we face in each membership group . . . they are very PRO of the NAFB Councils. The Foundation Board has increased the amount of the 2021 intern grants to broadcast stations and networks to $2,500 each. Now would be an excellent time to apply for those grants as the deadline is Thursday, March 4, 2021. There will be 10 intern grants this year. Go to the NAFB website then follow the points to apply for your opportunity to expand your “teaching the next generation of broadcasters” and adding to the strength of your entity.
MOVING FORWARD TOGETHER . . . it also means the NAFB board, your representatives on the board, Tom, and our oh-so-excellent professional staff in the office are open for suggestions, comments, ideas, and other ideas that our association can do for you to improve your daily broadcast and agricultural day.
I am always available and open to emails ( or phone calls – 864/423-9153.
As your 2021 President, I welcome each of you to become an integral part of your association; and TOGETHER, we will MOVE FORWARD to accomplish our tasks.
Be safe and well.
Thank you,
Gale Cunningham
2021 NAFB President
WYXY Classic 99.1 FM – Champaign, Illinois