As we gather with friends and family and look back on the past year, I wanted to take a moment to say thank you for your support, your friendship and your shared thoughts on NAFB this past year.
Last year at this time I was making my "list" of what I wanted to accomplish, knowing not all would be checked off, but some would. My biggest on the list, as I discussed at convention, stemmed from a conversation with you, the members, the path forward for the association. In January, I put together a task committee for the Vision 2020 plan. With countless hours spent developing the first phase this year, which was presented at Convention, I will continue working with the committee next year as we set out to work through the next phase. The goal is to have a concrete plan in place of where we are headed for 2020 and beyond.
It has truly been an honor to serve on the Executive Board this past year; yes, it did go fast! I look back at pictures and notes from the past year, and I see a lot of changes in me as well as NAFB; I am proud of what was accomplished. Our organization is recognized on a national level with others, including the National Association of Broadcasters, as a go-to source for information on rural radio and farm broadcasting.
Thank you to the Management & Sales Council for your continued drive to promote your farm broadcaster, the work they do to bring your station to the next level. Thank you to the Allied Industry, your support of the industry, helps everyone succeed and provides a great avenue to getting your story out to agriculture producers and the general listening community.
To my board...I will always cherish the work we accomplished this past year, but, more importantly, it’s the friendships. I can say I have the best board of directors of NAFB! We put a lot of sweat, tears, laughs and hard work into this last year and I will forever be grateful.
A special thank you to the NAFB are the glue that keeps us going! Many don't see the work that goes on behind the scenes, but each of you takes the time and care to make sure it’s done right.
I have been truly blessed and honored to serve as the 2015 NAFB President.
Merry Christmas & I look forward to seeing you all down the road in 2016!
Susan Littlefield