Spencer Chase
(202) 802-6250
Years of Experience: 5
Board Experience: NAFB East Region Vice President, 2016-2018; NAFB Washington Watch Committee, 2017-2018; D.C. Jacks (South Dakota State University [SDSU] Washington, D.C., alumni affiliate); FarmHouse Fraternity (Vice President of Administration, Awards Chair, Pearls & Rubies editorial board member); SDSU Students Association (Student senator)
Bio: This organization has been an integral part of my personal professional development since my first days as a student member. I want to do everything I can to make sure NAFB can play that same role for future generations of farm broadcasters and the agricultural industry as a whole. I want to see this group of experienced, professional journalists continue to serve our audiences through the kind of honest, objective coverage we've provided for another 75 years, and I will do everything in my power as a board member to make that happen.