MINNESOTA FLOODING…near Mankato occurred where they had anywhere from 5 to 7 inches of rain on the night of June 17, reports Emery Kleven (Minnesota Farm Network, Minneapolis, MN).
STORMY WEATHER…Weather is always a popular topic of conversation in farming country, but it absolutely dominated the conversation in northwest Iowa and southern Minnesota in the past few weeks, reports Dan Skelton (KICD, Spencer, IA).
ABOUT HIS 57-YEAR RADIO CAREER…Neil Trobak (KCIM-KKRL-KIKD, Carroll Broadcasting, Carroll, IA) said, “I wouldn’t have wanted to do anything else. It was fun!” Neil officially retired on June 2 and was honored by about 150 of his station colleagues and local listeners on June 20.
A banquet celebration marking the 25th anniversary of the Classic Farm Tractor Calendar, along with a giant birthday cake, and an auction promise a fast start for this year’s Historic Farm Days in Penfield, IL, beginning on July 10 and sponsored by the I&I (Illinois and Indiana) Antique Engine and Tractor Club on their show grounds. The banquet begins at 5:25 p.m. with Max Armstrong (WGN Radio, Chicago, IL) as emcee and is called the “John Harvey Hootenanny”— a roast and toast – to John Harvey.
The 2014 edition kicked off May 28 in Union County, OH, courtesy of Ohio Ag Net and AgriGold. Lee Farms was this spring’s first farm to be selected. The 1,000-acre corn and soybean operation was provided lunch and joined by staff of the Ohio Ag Net and AgriGold Hybrids. Dale Minyo (Ohio Ag Net, Columbus, OH) did his midday broadcast from the farm.
West Texas has been stuck in a drought for 40-plus months, reports Tony St. James (KDDD, Dumas, TX and KFLP, Floydada, TX). Any rain across the region is usually wiped out by high winds and hot temps. “But now we may be seeing some light at the end of the tunnel.” Widespread rain the last week of May filled rain gauges for the first time in four years...
All three past presidents are currently on the air for Red River Farm Network (RRFN). They are Mike Hergert (2001), Don Wick (1997) and Randy Koenen (2008). In addition, Jody Heemstra is currently the NAFB West Region Vice President...
IN HIS FIRST YEAR IN PEORIA…AgriBusiness Director, DeLoss Jahnke WMBD/WIRL, Peoria, IL is enjoying being back in farm broadcasting. He has back on air since last August.
Ag News Director Craig Mead (Mid America Ag Network, Wichita, KS) began his radio career in 1974 at KNIC (Winfield, KS). “I well remember the ‘Stockman's Advisories’ issued by the weather service in those days.
NAFB Foundation President, Ken Root (Iowa Agribusiness Radio Network, Dyersville, IA/WGFA, Watseka, IL) is busy drafting the entry and judging qualifications for the new Doan Award that will be presented to NAFB members who attain a high-level of journalistic excellence as recognized by their peers. Announcement of the criteria will be made at the NAFB Convention in November. The first winners will be recognized at Washington Watch 2015