Can you help me? You may not know the answers, but you can probably help someone figure out how to get an answer. If so you could be an NAFB Mentor! We are setting up a program to help Allied Industry Council members get questions answered, get better acclimated to the association, figure out things like what sessions they should attend at convention, etc. Any number of questions may come up for a newer member. Having a mentor, or basically a buddy to contact would make things much easier.

Lorrie is a 21-year veteran of farm broadcasting, and is the Farm Director at KSIR in Fort Morgan, CO. She is motivated by an intense desire for ag advocacy; telling the farming and ranching story. Lorrie covers issues at local, state and national levels, building a long-standing relationship with every ag organization in the process. As a farm broadcaster, Lorrie finds passion in her career, as she gets to learn something new each day and work with salt-of-the earth people, using her creativity and personality to entertain and inform loyal audiences each day.


“Well, if you’ll look on our website, you’ll find all the details right there.” That’s how our executive director gracefully explained to me that if I took the time to explore, all I needed to know was right at my fingertips. He was right. 

Have you done that lately? Have you really looked around on our site? Other than seeking the contact information for other members or utilizing the outstanding resources and feeds of our News Service, have you taken a dive down into what else is there? I hope you will.

Over the past 15 years, the NAFB Board of Directors, in association with the past and current Executive Directors, have consistently approved a policy of building a sustaining financial reserve. This portion of the NAFB financial platform is to provide for sustainability of annual programs and services, as well as protecting the association from unforeseen financial challenges that could place the association in jeopardy of its mission goals and objectives. 

Sara Steever (President, Paulsen Agriculture and NAFB Allied Industry Council member) asks the question, “Do you know any young women considering their education and career options? That's precisely the audience for Spark: Women in Agribusiness, a podcast series that profiles some of the most accomplished women in agriculture.” She explains, “The podcast series came about because I believe it's important to encourage young women to consider agriculture for their life's work.
