Keith Kirkpatrick, who at 92 still broadcasts a weekly program on WHO (Des Moines, IA), marks his 65th year as an NAFB member this year. He attended his first NAFB convention in Chicago in 1952. His first of many committee assignments was Resolutions.

Max ArmstrongAre you about to get knee-deep in fairs and festivals? This busy time of year is also a very enjoyable one, meeting the people who follow our broadcasts, as we help recognize the young people of the community for their work and achievements. And while the days at the fairgrounds can be long and draining, I am certain many of you appreciate the opportunity to cover these remarkable volunteer-driven events. And it is one more instance where many members of NAFB play a critical role in the local community.

Congratulations to the six college students receiving $25,000 in college scholarships today, during the NAFB Foundation Luncheon. The luncheon is sponsored by the CME Group.

2002 NAFB President COLLEEN CALLAHAN BURNS was one of three Distinguished Service Award recipients honored by the University of Illinois at the 2017 Commencement activities in May. Bestowed upon alumni, faculty, staff and friends by the UI Alumni Association on behalf of the University, the award is presented to individuals or couples whose consistent, exceptional and meritorious service to the University of Illinois (U of I) has made a significant impact on the institution’s overall welfare and the advancement of its mission.

Jerry Passer (Brownfield Network, Cedar Rapids, IA) came out of retirement in October 2002, signing a six-month agreement to cover livestock markets for Brownfield. Now, nearly 15 years later, the veteran farm broadcaster is hanging up his microphone at the end of June.
