Katie Miller joined American Ag Network (Fargo, ND) in May 2013 as farm broadcaster working with Rusty Halvorson. “I’ve worked in commodities markets and brokerage for several years. In fact, I still own a market advisory service. Through that, I’d done several radio interviews and market commentaries, especially for Terry Loomis (KQLX, Fargo, ND).” In fact, when she took her job with American Ag Network, she was working in the same building as Terry’s studio.

Patrick Cavanaugh (California Ag Today Radio Network, Clovis, CA) reports on the California water woes. “Throughout the vast farming areas of California’s  Sacramento and San Joaquin Valleys, intense concern and anxiety are growing over the lack of water for the critical irrigation of permanent crops such as almonds, walnuts, pistachios, tree fruit and citrus,” he said. Patrick speaks with farmers every day about what looks like a slow-moving crisis on the farm. California is in its fourth year of drought with the last two years being extremely tough on growers in many areas of California that depend on promised Federal surface water deliveries to their farms. Instead of flowing southward to help farms and cities, excess water is being diverted from the Sacramento Delta area to the Pacific Ocean to protect the Delta Smelt, a three-inch fish listed by the Endangered Species Act.

​Agri-Pulse founder and President Sara Wyant will be named to the annual Folio: "Top Women in Media" recognition in the Entrepreneurs category at a June awards ceremony at the Grand Hyatt in New York City. Sara was the only agricultural media professional included in this year's awards, which also honored women from such mainstream media as Forbes, Time and The New York Times.

Joe Gangwish, will be taking over June 1 for retiring Mike LePorte, left, as Farm Director of KRVN and the Rural Radio Network. Mike joined KRVN/Rural Radio Network in October 1990 and was named Farm Director in 1995.

WJBC-AM (Bloomington, IL), is celebrating its 90th Anniversary this year. Carrie Muelhling reports, “While we are doing some special things all year long to mark the milestone, we recently enjoyed some fun programming on April Fool's Day as we brought back a number of former show hosts, reporters and anchors to fill shifts on the air and deliver newscasts throughout the day.” 
