As current research proves, farm radio is a daily, valuable source of information for farmers and ranchers. We sat down with several producers to discuss their radio listening habits. Erik Younggren from Hallock, Minnesota sits down with NAFB and discusses the importance of farm radio for his operation. Videos are available on the NAFB YouTube Channel.

During this past year's convention I spoke with several members and the one topic mentioned several times was centered on what NAFB means to them and how it's an unique organization. The conversations were brought to the board as we developed our 2015 committees.

Mark your calendars for the 72nd NAFB Convention, November 11-13 at the Westin Crown Center, Kansas City, MO. Please plan to come early, and stay through the Friday night for the President's Banquet. Convention learning sessions this year range from crisis communications, sales, news writing and retirement strategies.

Summer months are key planning periods for advertising agencies, and the NAFB Planner is helping connect interested advertisers with NAFB stations and networks. 

Legislation promoting new performance royalties for FM and AM radio is currently being considered in Congress, and the National Association of Broadcasters is on the offensive pushing back against new fees and royalties for radio broadcasters. The Local Radio Freedom Act is a bipartisan resolution opposing "any new performance fee, tax, royalty, or other charge" on local broadcast radio stations.
