It has been a busy couple of months between NAFB Planner updates, travel to several industry events, and working on the next NAFB research project. 

Seanica, NAFB News Service Editor, and her husband, Jimmy, welcomed a baby son, Dillon James on August 12.

Aaron’s last day with NAFB is Friday, September 19. He has accepted a United States Army Recruiter position in Bartlesville, Oklahoma.

Please help us welcome Kim Holland to the NAFB Team. Kim is familiar face to many members, as she has been our key contact at the Westin Crown Center for many years. Kim’s first day with NAFB will be Monday, September 15.

While NAFB business meetings in recent years have been short and void of controversy, that hasn't always been the case. Those of us who remember meetings in the 70's, 80's and 90's remember long, emotional debates with members standing in line at microphones waiting to speak. Many of those debates centered around membership qualifications but that was by no means a new topic of discussion. At the organization's very first meeting in 1944, the question of membership qualifications was discussed at length
