Terry Henne (WSGW, Saginaw, MI) awarded "Homemaker of the Year" awards at the Saginaw County Fair on July 29. The contest is sponsored by WSGW Radio and Michigan Sugar Company. The Homemaker of the Year will go to the Michigan state finals next June. “Incidentally, the last two winners have gone to the state contest and won,” Terry said. 

Gale Cunningham and Peggy Kaye Fish are two of this year’s honorees who will be recognized. The Illinois State Fair Museum Foundation will spotlight individuals each day of the Illinois State Fair. The program honors individuals who exemplify the qualities and characteristics associated with Illinois – integrity, dependability, sense of community and strong ethics.  

Congratulations to Don Borgman on his retirement from John Deere. Don is retiring as the Director, Agricultural Industry Relations for John Deere's North American operations. 

Despite being in the news for its weather, North Carolina’s climatologist says the weather pattern is close to normal, reports Rhonda Garrison (Southern Farm Network, Raleigh, NC). 

Congratulations to NAFB member Sarah Gustin and Richie Heinrich. Sarah and Richie were married June 27 in a small country church just three miles from the Gustin family farm near St. Anthony, ND.
