Harold Birch, one of the founding members of FamilyFarms Group, was named Executive Vice President in 2010, after having served as COO since 2006.  In his role as Executive Vice President, Mr. Birch is a valuable organizational resource (internal for staff and external for clients) and is responsible for both international endeavors and strategic resource and development.


Paul Neiffer is an Agribusiness Certified Public Accountant and business advisor specializing in income taxation and accounting services related to farmers and processors.

Experience in serving clients

Terry Simmons was born and raised on a small rice and soybean farm near Cash, Arkansas. In his teenage years, Terry worked as a laborer on neighboring farms and was active in his high school’s Future Farmers of America (FFA) chapter. Terry is a graduate of Westside High School (Jonesboro, AR) and Delta Technical School (Arkansas State University) where he received a diploma in nursing.

My time with the NAFB board has given me the opportunity to be involved with many different aspects of our organization. The mapping tool was a major project that was followed with our current push for new research, both focusing heavily on driving value to our membership.

Greetings from the Southern High Plains! Many NAFB veterans have a working knowledge of my background as I have been involved since 1976.  As a voting NAFB member at radio stations KWNS (now KWLS), KFEQ and WIBW, I enjoyed broadcasting the farm story to listeners throughout the High Plains and Midwest.

The desire for a career in agricultural journalism is grounded in my roots.
