During the 71st NAFB Convention three college students were award the 2014 NAFB Foundation Scholarships.

Left to right, Liz Koehler (Illinois), Joel Penhorwood (Ohio),
and Shannon Yokely (Missouri) are recipients of $5,000
NAFB Foundation scholarships named after legendary
NAFB members: Glen Kummerow, George Logan and
Orion Samuelson.


John Phipps announced on the final show in September that the program is transitioning to a new host. Tyne Morgan will take over the helm starting this weekend. Morgan said, “John will still be on the show each week; he’s just doing so from his farm.

During the Marketing and Promotion meeting at Convention, we presented the first round of findings from the Ipsos  research. This research was conducted via email survey, September 5015, 2014. The research was a nation-wide survey with 529 respondents, with at least $100,000 Gross Farm Income in 2013, 85 percent of those who responded reported GFI of $250,000 or more.

Please welcome the following new NAFB members.

Congratulations to the 2015 NAFB Board of Directors
President: Susan Littlefield, KZEN
President Elect: Brian Winnekins, WRDN
Vice President: Tony St. James, KDDD and KFLP Radio
South Region VP: Lorrie Boyer, KSIR Radio
West Region VP: Jody Heemstra, Red River Farm Network
East Region VP: Bryan McGarvey, WASK/WKOA
Allied Industry Rep: Chase Adams, NCBA
Allied Industry Rep: Laura Henke, Charleston|Orwig
Management Sales Council: Bill Holst, WNAX
Management Sales Council: Neal Gladner, LA Farm Bureau
