LOOKING BACK TO MOVE FORWARD…We asked Past President Janet Adkison to look back and offer her reflections as NAFB moves into 2015: 

Quicker than anticipated, 2014 came to a close.  I was warned the year serving as NAFB President would fly by and it certainly did.  As I look back at the year I believe it will always stand out as a highlight--A new home, a new job, and NAFB leadership combined into one bundle of excitement creates a memory that’s going to be hard to match.

2014 Tenure Awards

This we had 102 NAFB members receiving Tenure Year Awards. Click here for a full listing of all 2014 Tenure Awards.

  • 31 Broadcast Council members, including Orion Samuelson, WGN Radio, and Evan Slack, Evan Slack Network, 58 years. And, Keith Kirkpatrick, for 63 years. 

When it comes to the family business led by Jeff Nalley (Cromwell Ag Radio Network, Utica, KY). That’s what Jeff does in his spare time when he’s taking a break from farm broadcasting. “I grew up on a farm that fell in the 80’s crisis. That led me to radio. I wanted the kids to have some ‘hands-on’ experience with growing crops and marketing. We started with both mums and strawberries. Now we’re down to just mums. The weather isn’t favorable for a commercial strawberry business with our soil type and location. We started with just 250 mums. We’re well over that mark now.” Hot weather in June killed about 10 percent of their early plants.

“What a tremendous honor it was for me to receive the 2014 Farm Broadcaster of the Year Award,” Ken Anderson (Brownfield Network, Lincoln, NE) said after the November convention in Kansas City. “I attended my first NAFB Convention in 1977, at the ripe old age of 22, and have watched many great farm broadcasters receive this prestigious award over the years.”

Sarah HeinrichSarah Heinrich is featured in a Women in Ag series written by the Pinke Post, and posted November 2. Katie Pinke (Wishek, ND) writes the blog.
