The newest addition to the AgNet West (Fresno, CA) team is Taylor Hillman, who is Assistant Farm News Director. Hillman is a news professional from Clovis, CA, where he was an award-winning technical director and assignment manager for the area CBS affiliate. 

2014 Events

FINDING NEW VOICES FOR TELLING THE AGRICULTURE STORY…is a key benefit of the NAFB Foundation’s scholarship and internship programs. Bill Holst (WNAX, Yankton, SD), Chair of NAFB’s Marketing & Promotion Advisory Board, said, “Personally, I feel a real calling to help bright young people realize there is truly an exciting future in our industry.” He believes that leaders at all levels need to mentor their replacements and continually change, while staying true to their morals and personal missions.

RON HAYS (Radio Oklahoma Network, Oklahoma City, OK) interviews Michele Murray, NCBA Director of Consumer Marketing, during the Texoma Cattlemen’s Conference, February 27, in Ardmore, OK.  Ron was emcee for the day-long event, sponsored by the Noble Foundation.

Tom Waldinger, President, Waldinger Creative, shared his thoughts on being the first NAFB Foundation Scholarship winner:

“There was my name. A tiny item among the 84 glossy pages of the January 16, 1978 edition of Broadcasting magazine (“the newsweekly of broadcasting and allied arts”). There it was, nestled in there among the big stories of the day: the Supreme Court agreeing to take on the FCC seven dirty words case, the announced departures of Sally Struthers and Rob Reiner from All in the Family and breaking news about CBS-TV’s planned rollout of its electronic palette and action track systems for the upcoming Super Bowl.
