WILL Radio has been one of a kind since 1922 as one of the country’s first radio stations on the air.  

For the Hancocks, involvement in the agricultural industry is a family tradition. Tony Hancock, Missouri Department of Agriculture market news manager, and his daughter, Madison, have grown their bond over a passion for agriculture and FFA.  

Former farm broadcaster Bonnie McCarvel, now Executive Director for Mid America CropLife Association, visited with NAFB Historian Mike Adams about her radio career and what she’s been up to since leaving the airwaves...



Sabrina Halvorson, an NAFB Broadcast Council member, recently published her first book, a novel titled “Sins of the Father.” Halvorson has been a news professional for more than 30 years and has been actively involved with NAFB since she became a member 10 years ago.

In January, WITY Radio celebrated its 20th anniversary of farm broadcasting across the central Illinois and western Indiana regions. 
