When growing up on a small dairy farm north of Green Bay, Wisconsin, some might consider showing cattle at the county fair the best way to spend your summer vacation off from school. For Pam Jahnke, this was exactly the case. It was more than just a competition though, for her, it was a way of life and the catalyst to her entire future.

Courtney Kibblewhite, the vice president and co-owner of Northern Ag Network in Montana, is teaming up with the Montana Department of Agriculture on a new program to break the stigma surrounding mental health among farmers and ranchers.

Don Molino, farm broadcaster for the Voice of Louisiana Agriculture Network, was recently inducted into the Louisiana Agriculture Hall of Distinction after decades of service in farm broadcasting.

Community responsibility. That is the theme that has guided Brian Winnekins through his 30+ year-long career as a farm broadcaster.

2005 NAFB President Emery Kleven visited with NAFB Historian Mike Adams about his career and what he’s been doing since retiring...
