Dustin Hoffman is a farm broadcaster at Iowa Agribusiness Radio Network with a unique passion for U.S. Civil War history. His love for history started when he was in grade school, when his dad bid on an unlikely pile of items.

Tyne Morgan, host and executive producer of U.S. Farm Report for Farm Journal Media, was recently inducted into the Hall of Fame for Career Achievement in her hometown of Lexington, Missouri.

Avery Davidson, communications director for Louisiana Farm Bureau Federation and farm broadcaster on the Voice of Louisiana Agriculture Radio Network, covered the damage of Hurricane Ida, something many farm broadcasters do not get the chance to cover. This detrimental hurricane tore through Louisiana at the end of August 2021.


Lynn Ketelsen, owner of Linder Farm Network in Minnesota, will be inducted into the Minnesota Broadcasting Hall of Fame later this year.

Former KICD Radio farm broadcaster Dan Skelton visited with NAFB Historian Mike Adams about his career and what he’s been doing in the Spencer, Iowa area since retiring...
