The Mid America CropLife Association recognized Bob Quinn, farm director at WHO Radio, with the Ruth White Media Award September 5, 2023.
The Mid America CropLife Association recognized Bob Quinn, farm director at WHO Radio, with the Ruth White Media Award September 5, 2023.
Jeff Nalley
Cromwell Ag Network
(270) 729-5112
Years Experience: 40
Board Experience:
past East Region VP
NAFB board member
past VP
past President Elect
past President
Sabrina Halvorson
AgNet Media
(701) 238-2660
Years Experience: 32
KC Sheperd
Radio Oklahoma Ag Network
(405) 443-5717
Years Experience: 4
Board Experience: I currently serve as the South Region VP. I've enjoyed my time so much I've been encouraged to run again! I also volunteer for the mentor program.