On September 18, 2006, a new concept hit the airwaves of Indiana radio stations, delivered by a voice that had been heard on those stations for over two decades. Hoosier Ag Today debuted on 10 stations around the state with a new focus on delivering news for and about Indiana agriculture.

I hope harvest is going well for farmers in your area. My thoughts go out to everyone affected by the recent flooding. Members of your NAFB staff attended the fall NAMA Conference in Raleigh, NC this month. Mindy, Lance, Tom and myself had a chance to meet with many Allied Industry Members during the Conference and everyone was excited about the new additions to the NAFB Planner that will now include NASS data for every county! NAFB also hosted a a welcome luncheon Wednesday during the confernce, and we had our largest crowd to date! Thank you to Mindy and Lance for all of their planning for this event!

After serving 18 years with KZEN (Columbus, NE), Susan Littlefield joined KRVN Rural Radio Network in Nebraska on August 30, working through their York, NE, office and her home office. In this position, she will continue to serve many of her longtime listeners.

For Don Molino (Louisiana Farm Bureau Agri-News Radio Network, Baton Rouge, LA) and his wife, Laura, the "Great Flood of 2016" started at 6:00 a.m. August 14 with a neighbor banging on the front door “telling us if we wanted to get a car out we'd better do it now!” Don explained, “When we went to bed the night before things were calm and dry for the most part.  

Von Ketelsen (KCIM-KKRL-KIKD Radio, Carroll, IA) has spent his career in farm broadcasting and has seen many changes in agriculture and ways to better communicate its story. Von has several Facebook pages, which he constantly updates with farm information, as well as photos from events he covers.
