Farm Director Joe Gill (KASM, 1150 AM, Albany, Minnesota) raised a calf, which he sold and then contributed its proceeds to the NAFB Foundation. 

For the second time in the last 10 months, NAFB worked with officials from the White House to share remarks from President Donald J. Trump to the nation’s farmers, ranchers, and agricultural community. Utilizing the NAFB News Service, NAFB shared the update with its broadcast members.

Starting with this issue, a "Where Are They Now?" interview will be included in most eChats.

Photo used with permission
from Rich Balvanz


Mike LePorte



With the arrival of spring and temperatures rising, farmers across Indiana are planting the state’s 15 million acres of crops. To keep motorists and farmers safe this planting season, several state agencies have partnered to encourage Hoosiers to be alert, slow down, and share the road with farm equipment.

Hoosier Ag Today (HAT) has partnered with these agencies to produce a public service announcement (PSA) urging motorists to be aware of farm equipment on the road,” Gary Truitt said. 
